Dr. Cosmas H. Mbulwa

Ag. Director of Clinical Support Services


The following Departments fall under the Directorate of Clinical Support Services (DCSS).


Mr. Teonas Nyalu

Head of Department


Establishment of the Unit

This department is the custodian of all patients’ records. These records contain information needed to plan, provide and evaluate the care given to the patient. It serves as a tool for communicating information to all health personnel who deal with the patient and contributes to the continuity of patients care. To fulfill these functions successfully requires not only that the medical records meet certain minimum standards but also a system for making the information contained in records available when needed. Records are currently created and maintained physically and electronically through electronic health management system. (eHIMS).


  • Health records depart as custodian, the major functions of this department is to collect, and manage patient health information from the first day when a patient attend for treatment to the hospital until the end of his /her treatments.
  • We actually use the collected patients information to process health static through data collection tool, includes designed forms for data collections and computer data base or Hospital Information Management System (HIMS).
  • We also classify diseases by using International Classification of Diseases (ICD) code to simply disease statics from complex to simplest.
  • We provide practical training to health information student, field students within our department..

Ms. Esther Reuben

Head of Department


Laboratory Services

The laboratory has the following Sections:

Hematology & Blood Transfusion Section.

Deals with Full blood Picture

  • Sickling test
  • peripheral blood smear
  • Hb-electrophoresis
  • Recticulocyte count G6PD
  • and Transfusion Services



  • All liver Function tests i.e -ALAT, ASAT, Bilirobin, Total Protein, Albumin, Amylasl
  • Kidney Function Test i.e Urea & Creatinine
  • Lipid Profile i.e HDL, LDL, Cholesterol, Triglyceride
  • Other biochemical test such as Glucose,HBAIC,Uric Acid

Molecular Biology.


  • The section deals with HIV viral load
  • Early Infent diagnosis (EID)

    Microbiology & TB.
  • This Section deals with Culture and Sensitivity for:
  • Urine.
  • Stool.
  • Blood.
  • Sputum.
  • CSF.
  • and Pus &all body fluids.

Serology Section.

Deals with Tumor Makers i.e CA19.9, CA 125, BHCG, CEA, AFP, PSA

  • Reproductive Hormones i.e LH, FSH, Progesterone, Testosterone, Eostradiol, Prolactin.
  • Thyroid Profile i.e T3, T4, TSH, Parathyroid hormone, Free T3, Free T4.
  • Cardiac Markers i.e Troponin I, CK-MB, BNP
  • and Other test like Cortisol, ACTH, Ferritin.


Pathology department at Bugando Medical Centre is affiliated with Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences CUHAS- BUGANDO, our main goal is to understand, diagnose, and translate diverse manifestations of human diseases into rational clinical applications through comprehensive pathology and laboratory medicine services.


We provideconsultancy, teaching, facilitate research activities in the field of Human Pathology and acts as a referral laboratory for histological, cytological and haematological investigations in North Western zone of Tanzania.


We carry out about 6000 tissue biopsies and around 1,500 cytological tests each year. DEPARTMENT STAFF.

The unit has highly qualified and experienced Pathologists, Haematologists, Laboratory Scientists and Histotechnicians working together to achieve diagnostic goals through validated methods, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Quality Controls (QC) for every specimen received in the unit for histological, immunohistochemical, cytological, hematological analysis.


When tissue biopsies are received they undergo different histopathology steps such as grossing, processing, sectioning and stained by  routine Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stain, and some are stained by special stains which include stains for organisms such as Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, polysaccharides stains etc.



Over recent, we have adopted an advanced technique for cancer diagnosis by application of immunohistochemistry.

We have markers for diagnosis including pancytokeratin, vimentin, smooth muscle actin, myogenin, and S100, and markers for prognostication and treatment including ER, PR and Her2 for breast cancer, CD45, CD20 and CD3 for lymphoma, and C-KIT for GIST. We are committed to expanding our immunohistochemistry services from time to time. 


The unit also provides investigations for haematological diseases through Bone Marrow Aspiration Smears and Bone Marrow Biopsies. We also do PCR for BCR-ABL. We do flow cytometry/Immunophenotype on bone marrow and perpheral blood for liquid tumors.

For More information,these are the Contacts:

Laboratory Manager

Mr. John Daffy

Bugando medical Centre

P.o.Box 1370,



Mobile : +255 754408266


Lab Quality Officer

Mr. Emmanuel C Lymo

Bugando medical Centre

P.o.Box 1370,


Mobile : +255 712032011

Email : immercharlz@gmail.com

Directorate of Clinical Support Services

Dr. Cosmas H. Mbulwa

Bugando medical Centre

P.o.Box 1370,


Mobile : +255 787237022

Email : cosmasmbulwa@gmail.com

Pharm. John Pemba

Head of Department



Establishment of the department

The department was established in 1971 with the objective of providing pharmaceutical services to the patients, the department has well trained and qualified personnel with specialty pharmacists, pharmacists and pharmaceutical technicians.

The core functions of the department 

Forecasting, procurement, storage and distribution of medicine and medical supplies

Provision of clinical pharmacy services

Dispensing of medicine, patient counseling and health education.

Extemporaneous preparation/compounding of external and internal medicine

In-house preparation of sterile pharmaceuticals such as IV fluids

Radiolabeling of cold kit for diagnostic and radiotherapy

 Units within the Department and Services Offered.

Main Pharmacy F4, NHIF and private insurance pharmacy (BIMA 1 block)

  • Emergency pharmacy Services (H2 block)
  • Pharmacy Stores (H4 & F4 blocks)
  • Compounding Unit (H4 block)
  • Sterile Production Unit (I.V fluids unit F4)

The unit is responsible for manufacturing of sterile pharmaceuticals such as IV fluids.

  • Nuclear Pharmacy (Radio pharmacy) – Nuclear Medicine Block J2
  • Care and Treatment Services (CTC building)
  • Community pharmacy – Main Entry (New Bugando Pharmacy)

This pharmacy offers dispensing of medicine, patient counseling and health education services for outpatients and any customer from the community.

  • Oncology Pharmacy services (Oncology Building)
  • Renal, Oncology and Orthopedic Pharmacy services unit (BIMA 2 block)
  • Ophthalmology Pharmacy Services (Ophthalmology Block)
  • Operating theater pharmacy Services (OT Block).
  • Clinical Pharmacy Unit (Block F4) 

Dr. Magreth Magombo

Head of Department




The Department was established in the year 1972 and its main function is to provide cost-effective and evidence-based diagnostic imaging services to all patients from all walks of life. The Department performs approximately 60,000 radiological examinations per year.


The Department has 7 full-time Radiologists, 21 Radiographers, 3 Nurses, 5 Medical Attendants and 1 Personal Secretary.


  • Conventional X-Ray imaging
  • Ultrasound Imaging
  • Fluoroscopy
  • Mammography
  • Computed Tomography (CT)
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Interventional Radiology*newly established unit

Research and Training

The Department is involved in research and dipoma/graduate training, in collaboration with Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS) and other (inter)national partners.

Dr. Oscar Ottoman

Head of Department




Mr. Vital Kipondya

Head of Unit


  1. Plan, organize, direct and supervise all activities
  2. Advocating and maintaining standard operating procedures during sterilization, storage and distribution of clinical medical equipment and materials
  3. Assign work duties to staff according to qualifications, experience and capability of staff
  4. Educate porters and other workers on how to handle and transport sterilized  materials / equipment
  5. Provide proper orientation to new staff in the unit
  6. Prepare annual budget of the unit
  7. Ordering and material management
  8. To ensure conducive working environment
  9. Solve any misunderstandings, conflicts and problems in the unit